Study Abroad Riga Review Winter

The author in front of the iconic House of the Blackheads in Riga.

Winter Break in Riga: Reflections on Personal Growth

Published: March 13, 2025

Over two weeks in early January, SRAS students experience Orthodox Christmas, practice their Russian in an environment that immerses them in both Russian and Latvian history and culture. The Winter Break in Riga program offers a unique opportunity to explore the vibrant European capital of Riga while meaningfully engaging with locals and building intercultural skills. Read below the experiences of real students who have attended this short but transformative study abroad program!


Isabella Moore, 2025

Isabella (Izzy) Moore is a junior at Cornell College majoring in International Relations and Russian Studies.

When I first began this journey, many people told me that traveling abroad creates a dramatic shift in lifestyle; that it can fundamentally change who you are. In the beginning, I assumed this was a dramatic overstatement: simply a way to get me excited for the trip and stave off any jitters I may have had. Now, returning home after a semester in Riga, Latvia, I can confidently confirm that this experience changed my life. Thanks to the SRAS team and their programs, I will never be the same person I was before spending that snowy January in the beautiful capital city of Latvia.

The Power of Communication Abroad

Many of these perspective-changing events occurred while I was doing things that would seem mundane at home. For instance, when I took a late-night cab ride with a friend. In this case, neither of us spoke the local language, Latvian. My friend was a Ukrainian who had also recently arrived in Latvia. We communicated together and navigated the city by speaking Russian, our common language, and a language commonly spoken in Riga. Our cab driver had posted a sign stating that he was a new immigrant from Ukraine and, like us, didn’t understand Latvian. My friend’s face lit up at the sign, and she began speaking excitedly to this man in Ukrainian. They were strangers, but it was like she was speaking to an old friend, and he responded in kind. There was something so warm in the way they addressed each other, while they were reveling in speaking their native language to each other, it seemed like they forgot they were a forced world away from their homeland.

As I watched them enthusiastically communicate, it occurred to me that this was the result of the innate linguistic and cultural bond between two people of the same nationality. It was just more strongly expressing itself because they were both outside their homeland. Before this encounter, I had never considered the cultural implications of linguistics, and I’m not sure I would have, had I not shared this moment with them.

I also had the unique experience of attending a conversation club and language exchange with locals and recent immigrants. SRAS introduced us to a girl from Ukraine who worked with a local nonprofit in Riga. She invited us to meet come share our culture with others, practice our Russian, and help other practice their English. That next Friday evening, we did just that at Riga’s iconic St. Peter’s Church. After introductions, we were split into smaller groups for conversation. I ended up initially with two mothers from Ukraine. We spoke a mix of Russian and English, and I learned about the ladies’ lives in Ukraine before the war, and about all their kids. I was surprised how vulnerable they were willing to get about their lives. When we switched to discussing America, I laughed at the stereotypes that came with questions like, “Does everyone own a gun?” and “Do you guys eat everything with ketchup?”. I also had the opportunity to speak with others, including a man who had recently arrived from Russia. In one night alone I had met new friends and went through a roller coaster of emotions.

Meeting New People and a New Culture

My host family also provided some incredible interpersonal experiences in their thoughtful and kind interactions with me and fellow student who stayed with them. One of the most special evenings I spent in Riga was Orthodox Christmas. They made an individual handmade piroshki special for each of us. My fellow home stayer was brought to tears because he said it “tasted like home” and they made me a cinnamon pie because we had an inside joke about cinnamon. We made them a card and they kept it on the mantle which reminded me of when I was younger.

SRAS also introduced us to many historic places that mean so much to Latvians. This includes the Freedom Monument, which honors the soldiers who lost their lives during the Latvian War of Independence of 1918, along with Riga’s Old Town, which houses the famous St. Peter’s Church and so much of the city’s long history. On one particular night, SRAS organized a night out at the historic Chekhov Theatre, which was built in 1883 and remains the oldest Russian-speaking theater outside of Russia. Live theater has long been a cherished tradition to Eastern Europeans and it is deeply rooted in the culture, history, and social life of the region. For me personally, as a costume designer at my college’s theater department, I was struck by the cultural focus on costume design as a key storytelling element, rather than set design, which is more typical in American theater.

Overall, the exposure to language and culture that I had in Riga motivated me in my academic career double-majoring in international relations and Russian. Getting to know Latvians in their homeland and Ukrainians in their new home-away-from-home, I have come to realize how entwined location, language, culture, and the individual really are. In addition to gaining interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, my Russian language abilities were vastly increased, and I am now participating in two new academic projects centered around the Russian language that I would not have had the skill necessary to participate in before this. I learned as well more about the kind of person I am through my interactions with people who have different social norms. During my time in Riga, I experienced both heartwarming moments, along with lessons you can’t learn in a classroom. Beyond all, I learned that dots on a map really are unique places filled with fascinating cultures and incredible individuals. I’ve also returned as one of those people who tell anyone who will listen how incredible study abroad is and what a life-changing experience it can be. I encourage anyone reading this to consider what they might gain from heading abroad.

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About the author

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Isabella Moore

Isabella Moore is an International Relations Student with a specialty in Russian at Cornell College. She attend SRAS's winter break program in Riga in 2025.

Program attended: Challenge Grants: Funding for Study Abroad

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