Russian vocabulary dentist

A Russian dentist office. Photo from

Dentistry in Russia: Building Russian Vocabulary

Published: March 1, 2021

The following bilingual Russian MiniLesson is meant to build your vocabulary by providing Russian phrases within English text. Hover over the bold Russian to reveal its English translation.

To prevent cavities, both Russian and Western dentists recommend that you come in for regular гигиеническая чистка зубов, sometimes called профессиональная чистка зубов. Some foreign visitors to Russian стоматологическая клиника may be surprised that the медсестра надевает маску пациенту before обдувка песком, the most common method to clean teeth in Russia. Before this process, the area will undergo обезболивание/анестезия с помощью геля as it can be uncomfortable for the patient. Some bleeding after the procedure is normal.

If you have зубная боль, you will need to get лечение зубов. A dentist office is most often known as a стоматологическая клиника in Russia. There are a variety of forms of them, from a государственная клиника which is generally known for бесплатные услуги for Russian citizens to a частная клиника which are more often associated with лечение по мировым стандартам and usually for высокие цены.

Prior to лечение, стоматолог обследует зубы to find the дупло, or any other problems, such as налет or зубной камень. A больной зуб will undergo обезболивание/анестезия с помощью укола. Once the участок зуба замораживается, the стоматолог can удалять нерв and очищать кариозную полость безболезненно для пациента.

While the стоматолог очищает зубную полость, a медсестра applies a вакуумная воздуходувка to откачивание слюны.

As a rule, especially at state clinics, a временная пломба is put into the cavity for a day or two, then она заменяется постоянной пломбой. After установка пломбы, it is шлифуется.

When a зуб is невозможно вылечить, it is удаляется or вырывается, using зубные щипцы.

Russians know a few ways to save money on dental services. For example, some Moscow residents go to Belarus and лечить зубы there, since prices are at least three times lower. Others go to smaller Russian towns or стоят в очереди at a государственная клиника

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About the author

Andrei Nesterov

Andrei Nesterov has reported on political and social issues for the Russian press as well as American outlets such as Russian Life,, and Triangle Free Press. He has travelled Russia extensively and penned many stories on the "real Russia" which lies beyond the capital and major cities. Andrei graduated from Ural State University (journalism) and Irkutsk State Linguistic University (English). He studied public policy and journalism at Duke University on a Muskie Fellowship and went on to study TESOL and teach Russian at West Virginia University. He is currently working on an PhD from West Virginia University in Political Science. Andrei contributes news, feature stories, and language resources to the SRAS site, and is an overall linguistics and research resource.

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Josh Wilson

Josh Wilson is the Assistant Director for SRAS. He has been managing publications and informative websites covering geopolitics, history, business, economy, and politics in Eurasia since 2003.

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