Поликлиника is a Russian word that translates roughly to "clinic."

Doctor Visits: Building Russian Vocabulary

Published: December 26, 2020

The following bilingual Russian MiniLesson is meant to build your vocabulary by providing Russian phrases within English text. Hover over the bold Russian to reveal its English translation.

Hopefully, students coming abroad will not often face sudden проблемы со здоровьем, but occasionally this might happen, and they may have to лечиться. In this case, they need записаться на прием к врачу and сходить к врачу. Often, a first visit to the doctor starts with seeing a терапевт.

In a кабинет врача the пациент is usually first posed with the question “На что жалуетесь?” The patient can say “Я плохо себя чувствую”, and then elaborate – “У меня болит голова/живот/зуб/горло”, or “У меня сильная простуда” or perhaps the patient will have something that often affects people who have just traveled long distances and arrived in a new country and say, “У меня расстройство желудка и диарея” Other ailment that affect travelers can include depression and insomnia. The patient can then say “У меня депрессия/бессонница”.

The doctor will осмотрит больного and will usually выпишет лекарства/терапию.

От головной боли, the doctor can prescribe анальгетики. Чтобы сбить температуру, аспирин is often prescribed. Russian doctors often treat depression with антидепрессанты, but sometimes транквилизаторы and/or витамины too.

Medicine often has to be taken до еды or после еды. Most medicine is regimented as well, for example, по одной таблетке три раза в день.

If a person has грипп, he/she can be recommended to try продаваемые без рецепта such as парацетамол and other противопростудные препараты , such as колдрекс.

Russian people have elaborated many народные средства for different diseases.

For example, to treat insomnia and depression, пустырник is boiled and drank (one teaspoonful in a glass of water) to give the patient a deep and restful sleep. Motherwort can be отмерять меньшую дозу to calm people before exams or other important events. It has no побочные явления.

All doctors are aware of such natural успокоительные средства, such as мед, молоко, бананы, and тыква. Also, some пряности such as гвоздика, тмин, имбирь and шалфей act as снотворные. One has to either add them to one’s dinner or to prepare отвары from them.

For treating a sore throat, Russians often make a полоскание. The simplest of these contains 1 teaspoonful of salt per glass of water and two drops of iodine. One can also boil herbs – sage or ромашка  – and gargle every 30 minutes. Other sore throat remedies include vodka, vodka with pepper, and hot milk with honey (two tablespoons of honey per glass of milk).

To treat a headache, folk wisdom says that you may crumple a fresh капустный лист and affix it to your forehead or temples with a bandage. Cabbage is rich in calcium ions that will normalize the blood vessels under the skin, causing many types of headaches to be alleviated.

For treating diarrhea, one can dissolve two or three small crystals of марганцовка in a half liter of water to produce a dark pink, but not violet, solution. One glass is drank in the morning and another at night. After taking the solution one or two times, the patient is usually cured.

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About the author

Andrei Nesterov

Andrei Nesterov has reported on political and social issues for the Russian press as well as American outlets such as Russian Life, Worldpress.org, and Triangle Free Press. He has travelled Russia extensively and penned many stories on the "real Russia" which lies beyond the capital and major cities. Andrei graduated from Ural State University (journalism) and Irkutsk State Linguistic University (English). He studied public policy and journalism at Duke University on a Muskie Fellowship and went on to study TESOL and teach Russian at West Virginia University. He is currently working on an PhD from West Virginia University in Political Science. Andrei contributes news, feature stories, and language resources to the SRAS site, and is an overall linguistics and research resource.

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Josh Wilson

Josh Wilson is the Assistant Director for SRAS. He has been managing publications and informative websites covering geopolitics, history, business, economy, and politics in Eurasia since 2003.

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